2 Bat Species Can Spread Brain Disease
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There are no less than 250 species in Indonesia that have been carried out by Balitbangkes in the Indonesian Ministry of Health. As many as 2 species in the body as carriers of Japanese Enchepalitis disease.
"There is Japanese Enchepalitis, so the disease did exist but later it was found a vector carrying the disease," said Siti Nadia Tarmizi, Director of Prevention and Control of Vector and Zoonotic Diseases when met at the Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center.
Japanese Enchepalitis is an inflammation of the brain that causes a buildup of fluid in the brain. This type is caused by a virus that was first transmitted by mosquitoes. In bats, this virus is found because it is bitten by a vector that transmits the disease.
This disease is included in a recurring disease called reappearance.
"It is indeed the result of vector-specific studies that cause disease. There are types of bats that were not carrying vectors but later found vectors," he added.
Nadia has improved, although it has not been proven to be transmitted to humans, she still has the potential to infect humans.
"The potential for transmission will always occur, because indeed it is very close to us who are still sufficient. So it needs intervention efforts also from the community," he concluded.